Thursday 17 November 2011

[Review] Feeling Christmas-y - Gold Nail Varnish

The past few years as I've grown older and no longer count as a child that can choose toys for Christmas I haven't really felt that excited about the season.. However upon seeing Christmas decorations and lights everywhere it does ignite a child in myself and I find that I actually do look forward to Christmas really, heh. This year one of the things I wanted was a gold nail varnish to suit the season and Topshop was my first point of call as their nail varnishes are easy to apply, last fairly long and are cheap-ish (£5 for one). Also today Carnaby Street had the Grazia Event for 20% off in all their shops so I went into Illamasqua and got myself a nail varnish set with a gold glitter color and a black one, they had another set which had a red one and then a red glitter one but I had to refrain myself. I've heard good things about the Illamasqua nail varnishes so that's why I went for that brand.

Topshop 'Heart of Gold' - When I first saw the colour in the bottle it wasn't very appealing as it is very metallic but upon trying it on I quite like it.

Illamasqua 'Spartan' - This one has very big gold pieces compared with the Topshop one and it is the kind of nail varnish that when you remove it you end up with glitter all over your hands. I wouldn't wear this on its own as its more of a base color with gold glitter.

The one that I will be wearing for Christmas will be... Both of them :p
I will use the Topshop one as a base for a strong gold colour and then add the glitter from the Illasmasqua as the topcoat.

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